HR automation

How is AI revolutionizing HR and internal communication within banks and financial services?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming many sectors, and banking and financial services are no exception. In an increasingly competitive environment, organizations are looking for pragmatic and effective ways to improve their productivity and offer a better experience to their employees and customers. At Baker Lab, we believe AI is a powerful tool for automating repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on what really matters: people. In this article, we explore four particularly relevant use cases, implemented by our customers within their human resources and internal communications teams in the financial sectors.

1. Initial sorting of CVs

There’s no need to drown in piles of CVs – let the AI do the sorting, and you won’t miss the nuggets!

One of the most time-consuming tasks for human resources departments is sorting through CVs. Recruiters often spend hours reviewing each application to identify the best candidates. With AI, this process can be greatly simplified. Thanks to image recognition and OCR (optical character recognition), systems can extract relevant information from CVs. Machine learning, a technology that enables algorithms to learn and improve from data, can quickly and efficiently analyze CVs, identifying key skills and relevant experience. This enables recruiters to focus on the most promising candidates, reducing recruitment time and improving the quality of hires. It’s a pragmatic approach that frees up time for more meaningful interactions with candidates.

2. Internal communication through innovative formats

Improve the fluidity and efficiency of exchanges within your organization with podcasts, TikTok videos and AI-generated chatbots.

Internal communication is essential to the smooth running of any organization. In banking and financial services, where teams may be scattered across different regions, it’s crucial to ensure smooth, efficient communication. AI offers innovative solutions to improve these exchanges. For example, AI-powered chatbots can instantly answer common employee questions, while podcasts and videos can be used to share top-down and/or strategic information in an engaging way. These non-traditional formats make communication more dynamic and interactive, boosting productivity and enabling teams to concentrate on higher value-added tasks.

3. Impactful in-house training

Use avatars of your key trainers / COMEX members to offer interactive and engaging training to your teams.

Ongoing training is crucial to keeping skills up to date and ensuring regulatory compliance in the financial sector. However, a major problem lies in the complexity of course design, which includes detailed scripts, costly and time-consuming filming, and the logistics of implementation. These challenges make traditional training not only expensive, but also difficult to adapt quickly to changing regulations and industry practices.
AI makes it possible to create more interactive and personalized training experiences. By using realistic avatars of key trainers or COMEX members, organizations can offer engaging and memorable training sessions. These avatars can interact with employees, answering their questions and adapting to their learning pace. What’s more, these courses can be accessed at any time, allowing employees to train at their convenience. This translates into greater efficiency and better knowledge retention.

4. Onboarding chatbot

Simplify and personalize the integration of your new recruits with an intelligent, empathetic chatbot. I promise, he won’t tell you he didn’t understand the request!

Onboarding is a crucial step in integrating new recruits into the organization. An effective onboarding process helps new employees feel welcome and quickly familiarize themselves with their new responsibilities. Onboarding chatbots, powered by AI, can greatly simplify this process. These chatbots can answer questions from new recruits, provide information on company policies, and guide employees through the first stages of their integration. What’s more, thanks to their ability to understand and respond empathetically, these chatbots ensure a positive, personalized onboarding experience. They enable HR teams to focus on more strategic human interactions.


Integrating AI into the human resources and internal communications departments of banks and financial services offers many advantages. By automating repetitive tasks, improving communication and making training more engaging, AI enables organizations to gain efficiency and focus on what really matters: people. Adopting a pragmatic and effective approach with AI can transform your everyday working life and help you reach new heights of productivity.

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